Work Packages

The InnovationGUIDE project is structured with a comprehensive approach that encompasses various key areas to achieve its objectives. Each component of this project is interconnected, working together to deliver significant outcomes.

This multifaceted structure ensures comprehensive coverage and efficient execution, providing a solid foundation for the development and implementation of innovative solutions in the project’s target sectors.

Project Management and Coordination

The Work Package 1 will provide effective project management and the best coordination of all project operations.

Systems Approach and Governance Analysis

It will provide a structure to assess the current situation of global innovation ecosystems, as well as key innovation actors and their specific needs.

Framework of Network Connectivity and Inter-Regional Collaboration

Here we will identify common challenges and requirements in rural ecosystems for the project’s target sectors (agriculture, sustainable tourism, and bioeconomy). Innovative best practices in these target sectors will also be identified. In this work package, the framework of road maps that consists of a series of actions and responsibilities will be developed in accordance with the views, insights, and future comments of stakeholders from rural ecosystems.

Community Development and Sustainability of the Inter-Regional Collaboration

It will contribute to the financial and institutional sustainability of the interconnected ecosystems. Guides and preliminary designs of the needs will be prepared in order to keep the collaborative framework throughout the project.

Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication

This Work Package will ensure that the project outcomes are communicated, disseminated, and exploited by the appropriate audiences, key stakeholders, and other relevant programs, projects, and resources. Furthermore, it will concentrate on network sustainability and policy engagement.